Private Events

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The organisation of a private events with a touch of elegance, hospitality and haute cuisine. This is Derby Grill’s proposal for the important moments in your private and professional life.

Gala dinners, private parties and corporate events become an opportunity to offer your guests an haute cuisine experience in an exclusive location and accompanied by professional and attentive staff.

The elegance of the furnishings and the suggestive Royal Villa of Monza adds to the careful personalisation of details for your event:

  • Exclusivity of events: the Derby Grill accommodates private events with dedicated menu and services.
  • Haute cuisine: Chef Fabio Silva will interpret your requests by proposing a personalised menu for the occasion.
  • Customising the details: from the preparation of the room to the printing of the menu. Our staff is available to make your event unforgettable.

Of course, you can book the entire restaurant exclusively or one of its private rooms for both lunch and dinner.

All that remains is to start with the organisation by completing the form below.


eventi monza esclusivi

We’ve been wanting to offer our guests the most beautiful winter garden in Monza for a long time. With the new Veranda, the dream has become reality.

A refined and cosy environment, the ideal extension of the Derby Grill’s and Derby Bar’s inner spaces. It provides an elegant view of the outdoor panorama, delimited by large windows that allow our guests to enjoy the surrounding nature in winter and can be opened to let the outdoors in during summer.

The colonial atmosphere is achieved thanks to the ever-green plants, the Vietnamese fans on the ceiling, the bamboo furniture and the painting inspired by nature on the walls. This refined environment is ideal for high-level events, such as private dinners at the Derby Grill, exclusive cocktail parties at the Derby Bar and anniversaries and birthdays celebrated among close friends.

The important moments in life should be elegantly celebrated. To achieve this, we offer you the possibility of deciding the menu with Chef Fabio Silva, let us give you tips about the wines that will perfectly combine with the food and allow Maître Antonio Renzulli and his team to accompany you during the event with their experience and exquisite kindness.

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